Summer is Here, and We've Got Ya Covered!

Summer, the most preferred season by a landslide. This may have to do with the warm weather, which opens up the window of opportunity, for outdoor activities! The Tangram team believes in happiness and enjoying life as much as possible! With that being said, here are a few cool products that we believe will spice up your summertime activities. 

Riding a bicycle is a great way to spend time outdoors in the fresh air and sun, as well as a fun way to get some exercise. This product, which acts as a carrier for your preferred six pack of beer, is an awesome way to continue the fun once you've made it to your destination! 

This product is also one that will come in handy! A common problem that occurs at these outdoor gatherings or activities is the hot sun. It prevents your beer from staying ice cold! All you have to do is pop it in your beer bottle or any other beverage you prefer, and it will keep it cold, even in the sun! How cool is that?

S'mores!!! Who doesn't like s'mores? No one! This so simple and so sweet treat is often under rated, and doesn't receive the credit it deserves! So we thought we'd remind everyone that  s'mores around the camp fire is still a great and fun way to enjoy those summer nights!  

These are just a few of the products listed that will spruce up your summer, to see the rest click on the link below. 


Simon Lunt